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HEIW mulls reintegration of refugee pharmacists into practice in Wales

In its effort to address workforce challenges, Health Education and Improvement Wales has outlined initiatives aimed at facilitating the return of pharmacy professionals with...

RPS announces appointment of chairs on RPS Country Boards

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has re-elected Andrew Carruthers as chair of RPS Scotland Pharmacy Board. Andrew is a Medicines Governance pharmacist within NHS Greater...

RPS and Pharmacist Support host roundtable to explore actions needed to support staff

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and Pharmacist Support hosted a roundtable on the impact of pharmacy workforce wellbeing on patient safety on Wednesday (17...

RPS: Pharmacy can impact delivery of genomics across healthcare

Pharmacy professionals to be included as key stakeholders in the implementation, delivery and evaluation of a wide range of genomic services, said the Royal...

RPS Scotland welcomes new Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has welcomed the appointment of Michael Matheson MSP as Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care in...

Latest Articles

Pharmacy is under severe strain, time for the government to back those who put patients first

"The new contract in England has to provide the...

Clinical pharmacists in GP practices improve prescribing quality, patient safety

Integrating clinical pharmacists into general practice significantly reduced medicine...

Future of community pharmacy: Be more private

Tariq Muhammad considers how community pharmacy must explore private...

E-pharmacies in India and Kenya ‘not fully’ compliant with regulatory requirements

Only 16% of Indian e-pharmacies and 42% of those...

Ashley Dalton MP appointed junior health minister after Andrew Gwynne’s dismissal

In addition to Ashley Dalton’s appointment, the King approved...