This site is intended for Healthcare Professionals only.


The ESG revolution: A healthy dose for pharmacies

Tarina Shah and Jayasri Prasad of Sinequanon Consulting highlight the importance of ESG adoption and offer actionable steps to start implementation… The business landscape worldwide is undergoing a significant transformation,...

Reality Check: Tap Into The Power Of Belonging In Community Pharmacy

Tarina Shah explains how community pharmacies can build a more motivated, cohesive, and efficient team  In the evolving landscape...

REALITY CHECK: Inject some ‘joy’ into your vocabulary

You create your experience with your words, so choose them wisely, says Saj Shah… "I am so stressed!" These...

Urinary Incontinence – how can community pharmacy teams help

Bladder leakage is one of the most common healthcare issues affecting women, with the effects of the condition having major effects on women’s lives....

Understanding the Relationship between Exercise and Testosterone Levels

If you have low testosterone levels, there is a good chance you have felt some physical side effects from that. You may have heard...

EM Pharma welcomes Dr Sarah Jarvis as medical adviser for its consumer awareness campaign

Nasofed Anti Viral Nasal Spray, from EM Pharma, is delighted to welcome Dr Sarah Jarvis as medical adviser for its winter colds and flu...

LAW: What does the collapse of Testerworld mean for community pharmacies?

Melania Constable and Jessica Williams explain what the collapse of the three trading entities in the Converse Pharma Group could mean for the entire...

TECHNOLOGY: Fit for the future

Tariq Muhammad considers how layouts are a key to modernisation and why pharmacies need a digital and physical harmony… An increasingly common question I get...

VMS: Preventing 5 nutrient deficiencies in your community

Josh Edwards gives his expert advice on how community pharmacy teams can help prevent five of the most common nutrient deficiencies among their patients… In...

VMS: Dietary supplementation is here to stay

Andy Thomas discusses why nutritional supplements – which are fast becoming the consumer’s first choice for ‘drug free’ treatment – should be recommended to...

EYE HEALTH: Dealing with dry eyes

Optometrist Francesca Marchetti writes how pharmacy teams can help educate patients on what dry eye (dry eyes) is, what symptoms to look out for...

MENTAL HEALTH: Reducing rising levels of mental ill-health

Andrew Magrath looks at how pharmacy contractors can encourage their teams and the patient populations to look after their mental health in these hard...

WOMEN’S HEALTH: Managing menopause in the workplace

Emily Richardson shares her views on how pharmacy teams can help women patients seeking information and support on menopause … The menopause is a natural...
