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Search results for: MENTAL HEALTH

New 24/7 mental health hub in Tower Hamlets to reduce hospital admissions

Tower Hamlets has been selected for an innovative community pilot to support people with mental health needs East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) has...

NHS 111 to offer mental health crisis support, but trusts warn of persisting pressures

England becomes one of the first countries in the world to offer a 24/7 full package of mental health crisis support through one single...

Pharmacist Support: Trainee pharmacists get set to ACTNow for mental health awareness ahead of GPhC assessment

Pharmacist Support's annual mental health awareness campaign offers vital support ahead of GPhC assessment and registration transition Trainee pharmacists across Great Britain are preparing to...

33 % rise in women seeking perinatal mental health support since 2022

One in five new and expectant mothers may be affected by perinatal mental health conditions In a significant uptick reflecting growing awareness and acceptance of...

Boots supports community pharmacists become Mental Health First Aiders

PDA encourages representatives at Boots to undertake Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training Pharmacists, who are working on the frontline of healthcare, can play an...

Community Mental Health survey reveals only 39% felt supported by NHS mental health services

According to the community mental health survey, 42 per cent felt unsupported during critical waiting periods The NHS Long Term Plan and NHS Mental Health...