Search results for: scotland
Fiona McIntyre named as Policy and Practice Lead for RPS Scotland
RPS Scotland has named Fiona McIntyre as its new Policy and Practice Lead. With a background in hospital pharmacy, McIntyre will be responsible for...
Two pharmacies on west coast of Scotland up for sale
Two pharmacies on the west coast of Scotland; Islay Pharmacy on the Isle of Islay and Inveraray Pharmacy in Argyll are up for sale...
Healthcare professionals in Scotland meet to tackle impact of prescribing on environment
Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the Royal College of General Practitioners in Scotland hosted an event celebrating the collaborative work of the health professions...
Pharmacists must change focus from accuracy to safety: CEO of Community Pharmacy Scotland
Professor Harry McQuillan has said community pharmacists in the UK must change their focus from an ‘accuracy of supply’ to a ‘safety of supply’...
PDA seeks tripartite discussion around all aspect of community pharmacy in Scotland
The Pharmacists’ Defence Association (PDA) has sought a tripartite discussion on the issue of negotiation between the Scottish government and Community Pharmacy Scotland (CPS),...
Will fight ‘tooth and nail’ says contractor as Scotland rejects £20m funding proposal for 2023/24
The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has supported Community Pharmacy Scotland (CPS)’s decision to reject the Scottish government’s funding proposal of £20 million for 2023/24.Â