This site is intended for Healthcare Professionals only.



NHS England, ABPI, DHSC begin negotiation for new medicine pricing scheme

The government, NHS England and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has begun the negotiations for a new voluntary scheme for branded...

BGMA seeks judicial review on being excluded from VPAS negotiation

The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has sought a judicial review of the Department of Health and Social Care’s (DHSC) decision to negotiate a new Voluntary...

Hewitt review recognises ‘damaging consequences’ of ARRS on community pharmacy

The recruitment of pharmacists in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) has exacerbated a general shortage of pharmacists, revealed an independent review of Integrated Care Systems...

OHE report estimates global investment of £3.5bn for research and development of new antibiotic

The current structure of global incentives to develop new antibiotics is insufficient and requires urgent resolution revealed a new report ‘Incentivising new antibiotics’ by...

Spring budget 2023 provides no relief for community pharmacy’s funding crisis

National pharmacy bodies have welcomed two VAT changes related to community pharmacy services announced in the Spring budget on Wednesday (15 March) but were...

ABPI suspends Novo Nordisk’s membership for two years

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has suspended the membership of Novo Nordisk for two years due to serious breaches of its...