Defective Drug Lawsuits


When a doctor prescribes a drug to you, it’s natural that you would think the medication will help you. But sometimes people are injured when something went wrong in the manufacturing process of making a drug, or when a drug is released to the public before all of its side effects are known. Victims may be compensated under personal injury laws.


When a plaintiff files a product liability lawsuit they must prove that the drug or medical device that injured them is defective in one of three ways:

  • Failure-to-warn defect
  • Design defect
  • Manufacturing defect

What is a class action lawsuit?

In the United States people have a right to bring forward civil suits against those who have harmed them through neglect, recklessness, or criminal intent. When multiple people have suffered similar injuries as a result of a defendant’s actions, then they can file a class-action lawsuit. That group of victims, or plaintiffs, is collectively represented by one or more lead plaintiffs, whose injuries and allegations are similar to the rest of the other group or “class” members. The class must demonstrate, through their lead plaintiff, that they have a valid claim against the defendant and that all of the members of their group, or class, have similar claims.

Elmiron Eye Damage Lawsuits

An example of a class-action lawsuit involving prescription drugs is the medication Elmiron, which is prescribed to treat interstitial cystitis, otherwise known as painful bladder syndrome. Symptoms victims have experienced include:

  • Bruising
  • Diarrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Skin rash
  • Sleep disorders

Vision Problems Linked To Taking Elmiron

The main side effect that has garnered so much attention on the drug is its effects on vision. Elmiron is believed by doctors to cause damage to a part of the retina called the macula, which is responsible for focusing your vision, seeing colors and fine details, such as the words on your screen. The drug can cause a variety of problems including:

  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty reading
  • Straight lines appearing wavy or curved
  • Difficulty adjusting to lighting changes, such as walking out of a bright room and going into a dark room
  • Colors are less saturated in vivid
  • Seeing more glare or blind spots than usual


Does the damage happen right away?

Even if you stop taking Elmiron there is a chance of you continuing to have vision problems, or developing vision problems later on. Some victims have discovered damage to their retina long after stopping the use of the medication. The risk of developing retinal problems increases the longer the victim takes the drug.

What To Do If You Have Been Taking Elmiron

In order to file your claim, you need to have evidence that the damage to your retina was caused by Elmiron. You need to make an appointment with a retinal specialist or ophthalmologist, let them know that you’ve been taking Elmiron, and give them a history of your visual problems. Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (PPS)-Associated Pigmentary Maculopathy is diagnosed using advanced ophthalmic imaging, such as Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) or Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) Imaging. These scans are necessary to determine that you have this type of disorder. Then, you need to speak to a personal injury attorney who specializes in Elmiron lawsuits who can review your medical records and provide legal counsel.


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