Email Etiquette – Useful tips to respect the time of your customer


To build trust and achieve the loyalties of the customer, proper etiquette in communication is mandatory. For this, it is important to be polite, considerate, and positive in each of your email conversations. Thus, you should take the requisite time to read, and then re-read your emails. It is a quintessential process to ensure that you are respectful towards the time of your customers. Bear in mind if you cannot spare time to read your mails, your customers won’t either. Further, you need to take note of the subject lines as this is the first thing most customers see before starting with the email.

As far as digital marketing is concerned, it is difficult to defeat the raw aspect of email to connect with the customers and avail the value of your marketing dollars. Having said, nobody really likes to receive rude or inconsiderate or tone-deaf emails. I am sure most of us have pressed onto the unsubscribe button anytime something like this has happened.

So, now the big question is, how do you prevent your customers from doing the same with you? For this, you need to follow proper email etiquette and be considerate of the preferences, attention, and the time of the customer.

In addition to following the spam rules, there are some other do’s and don’ts too that you need to abide by in business emails, especially when you aim to connect with your customers. So, here’s everything that you should know about email etiquette. We’ll also explain why it is so important.

Re-read your emails

Lily, who offers online assignment help, says that the first and the most obvious rule in email etiquette is reading and re-reading the emails before hitting the send button. It is not only because of the typing errors but also about minding the politeness and the clarity in the text. At times, what you have written might be perceived by the recipient as rude even when that’s not your intention.

Understand the audience

Sophie, who offers online accounting homework help services with a digital platform, says that your email etiquette would change depending on who you are communicating with. Every audience has its own set of perceptions and preferences. For instance, a few cultural differences can leave a massive impact on what might be considered rude or not. Age, too, also plays a pivotal role here. In short, what’s professional or not, would majorly depend on who you are communicating with.

For instance, if you have a business that has a sassy, light-hearted, or fun brand voice, then it is exactly what’s expected via the emails that you send. However, if you are writing to the CFO of this brand, you have to be strictly professional and precise. It is okay to be informal only as long as you are communicating with a friend. But you cannot communicate similarly with an executive who you do not know personally.

Train new employees

These days the manner of communication is evolving. You might learn several on-the-job skills, but of these, one skill that is mandatory to be learned is email etiquette. This is something that must be taught to all the new employees. It is particularly important for the new and younger employees who have used texts as the primary medium of communication in the past. There are a plethora of guides available to improve communication in business, and each one us, in business, is bound to benefit from it. Jenifer, who works with a website you can pay for papers, says that missteps are inevitable, but you need to give in due time to avoid them as much as possible.

Never write emails when you are angry or upset

A lot of times, we wish to write exactly what’s going on in our minds, right then and there. Even though it is cathartic to draft emails while you are angry, you have to fight your urge to press the send button. If you are unable to control your anger, you can write down your feelings on word documents that are not attached to the email. As you write down your feelings, you’ll feel a lot calmer. It is a great method to stop you from sending something that you might later regret sending. Kiara, who offers the best data science certification online, says that a single email written in anger holds the power to tarnish your or your company’s reputation forever.

So, these are a few of the many things that you should bear in mind when it comes to drafting emails. Please know that in business, your email is your biggest strength. It holds the power to laud you with big profits, so do not take this medium lightly.



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