How To Approach An Addicted Partner To Get Help: Top Tips


We love our partners, and it’s likely that we’d do anything for them. We put up with their foibles and we bite our tongue when they do something that annoys us. But often, things can get more serious than that, and action needs to be taken, not just for you, but for them, the rest of the family, and ensuring that you live a long and happy life together.

Addiction is becoming a more common problem in relationships and the figures over the last few years have increased significantly with more and more people suffering from problems with alcohol, drugs and gambling.

While it’s not an easy time for them, nor is it for you, and often they need that little bit of encouragement to take the necessary steps to get addiction counselling and the help they need. Providing that encouragement isn’t an easy feat though and it needs to be done carefully.

If you’re at that point in your relationship where you feel something needs to be done about your partner’s addiction, then here are some top tips to help you along your way…

Do your research

The better informed you are about addiction, the more authoritative and helpful you can be when it comes to confronting your partner and discussing the options.

There are dozens of in-depth guides, reports and advice columns that can help you understand addiction, from the causes of addiction to the health risks, as well as the impact it has on the brain, and the best forms of rehabilitation for different types of people.

By collating all this information, you’ll be fully informed and feel confident in approaching your partner.

Be sure to offer your support, but keep you and your family safe!

Support is absolutely vital when it comes to someone entering recovery for addiction. It can be the encouragement they need to see it through, and the help they need getting through the dark times.

If you are going to support them every step of the way, then ensure that they know that.

However, if a partner’s addiction is endangering yourself and your family, then it’s also imperative to stay safe, which may mean asking your partner to temporarily leave the home while they get clean.

Get support for yourself

You’re not going to expect your partner to go through addiction treatment alone, so ensure you get support yourself. It can be incredibly useful to build a support network throughout the whole process, as it will allow others to help research as well as offer ideas on how best to care for your partner.

This can all be an incredibly stressful period for yourself too though, so prioritize your own mental wellbeing as well, reaching out to friends and family when you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to as well. Professional help can also be available for you throughout what can be a traumatic process, but one that will benefit the whole family in the long run.



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