What are Ingestible Pills?


After I have finished playing some casino games, using my, Juicy Stakes Casino bonuses, I am hungry.  What should I eat?  A juicy steak (wink, wink)?  Fried chicken?  An Ingestible Pill?  Wait, what?  What is an ingestible pill?  Is that a food or vitamin?  Actually, it is neither.

It is new technology developed by Pfizer.  Pfizer is the pharmaceutical company that gave us the COVID vaccines that do not provide lifetime immunity to COVID or even prevent you from getting it in the short term.  Pfizer is also the company that created the COVID medicine Paxlovid, which cause Biden to get a rebound COVID right after he supposedly recovered from COVID.

Ingestible Pills are a version of a digital pill

A digital pill is also known as a smart pill or an ingestible sensor.  It is a pharmaceutical dosage form that contains an ingestible sensor inside of a pill.  The sensor begins transmitting medical data after it is consumed.

This pill and its other related technology are considered Digital Medicine.  The purpose of the sensor is to determine if a person is taking their medicine or they are not taking their medicine.  In other words, is the patient complying with taking their medicine or are they not complying with taking their medicine?

Is Digital Pill Technology new?

No.  Digital Pill Technology (in one form or another) has been around since 1957.  In the beginning, it used radio waves to transmit data.  Body temperature and pressure readings were common applications.  Between 1957 and 1990, not much was going on in this technology area.

When was the first Digital Pill approved by the FDA?

The first digital pill was approved by the FDA in 2017.  It was manufactured by Otsuka Pharmaceutical.  The Digital Pill’s sensor was developed by Proteus Digital Health.  It is activated by the acid in your stomach.  It generates an electric signal that is picked up by a patch that is worn on the ribcage.  This patch then forwards that information to a smartphone through a bluetooth device.  For an example of this in use, watch the Myth Busters segment called “Brandy Warmers, St. Bernard”

Why was this technology invented?

The original use case for this technology was for schizophrenic patients who if they do not take their medicine, can become unstable (nice way to put it).  The problem is that some people with schizophrenia are paranoid (a common symptom of this condition).  The Digital Pill makes this condition worse.

Note: I am not sure if they mean “worse” from a medical sense, the Digital Pill physically doing something, or if they mean the “worse” as in people who are already paranoid will become even more paranoid that their medicine is allowing people to “listen” to them.  The article that I read does not make that point clear.  Or it might be a combination of both.

Are there different types of Digital Pills?

Yes.  Imaging Capsules, Gas Sensing Capsules, Medication Monitoring Capsules, and Electrochemical Sensing Capsules

Imaging Capsules are ingestible pills that have a video camera inside of them.  They are used to obtain video imaging of the stomach and small bowel.

This is less invasive than traditional endoscopic imaging device.  The endoscopic imaging device is attached to a long tube.  An example of use is in the Dr. House TV Show, “Dying Changes Everything” (Dr. House Season 5, Episode 1).

Gas Sensing Pill is used to detect partial pressures of different gases produced as the byproduct of metabolic reactions by bacteria in the intestines.  The old version of this technology was “breath-test analysis”.

Medication Monitoring Capsules are used to monitor the absorption of medication or compliance of taking medications.  These are activated by the stomach by pH differences and will transmit via Bluetooth.

Electrochemical Sensing Capsules are used to diagnose issues with the stool and gastrointestinal tract or GI tract.

Why is Pfizer’s version of the Digital Pill different?

From a technology perspective, it is not different.  It is just a different version of the same thing.  It more has to do with the way that Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, is talking about the technology and who he is talking about the technology with.

From WND article “’Imagine the compliance’: Pfizer CEO praises ‘ingestible pills’ with microchip”

Pfizer CEO Alberto Bourla explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos crowd:  “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny chip that sends a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested.  “Imagine the compliance,” he says.  May 20, 2022.  (Posted by Jeremy Loffredo).“send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested.”

The quote continues …

“As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma.”

As the article points out, “glasses and hearing aids are neither embedded in the body nor are they subject to control by outside forces.”

Yes, there are hearing aids that are connected to the brain, and vision technology that also connects to the brain.  Not to mention, similar technology for helping paralyzed people to walk.  But in all of those cases, the feedback controls are only transmitted to the person using the device. They are not transmitted to outside sources without a person’s consent.

Yes, there is a technology that has existed for at least the last 30 years that allows a teacher to wear a microphone, and the audio is transmitted directly into the hearing aid of a deaf person.  And yes, there have been incidents where a teacher forgot to turn this off, and has gone into the bathroom.  But, again, both the speaker and the person hearing the speaker are accepting the use of the technology and it is limited to those giving their consent – aka, the “authorities” are not included.

But why this last comment?

“The technology is in need of ‘the right support, vision, and audacity.”

With this technology, companies like Pfizer are not just talking about “did you take your medicine today”?  They are talking about

“Should you implant a tracking chip in your child?” asked the scientist, adding, “There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety.”

The World Economic Forum Chief has previously promoted microchips, claiming they will be implantable and will be able to read your thoughts.

Who is Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum?

Klaus Schwab wrote the book “The Great Reset” where he talked about the fourth industrial revolution that would,

“lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.


Like any technology, Digital Pills have their pros and their cons.  If a person needs to take life-saving medicine for a physical or mental condition, this is a good thing.  Or when the “authorities” are just your family doctor, then there is nothing to really worry about.

But with the SmallPox vaccine, the world needed 80% of the population to be vaccinated or 30% with strict contract tracing and medical prevention in order to eradicate smallpox from the world.

But with COVID, we were told even 90% compliance is not enough, and people are still losing their jobs for refusing to take the COVID vaccine, even if they already had COVID.

Fauci said just yesterday that he was frustrated with the non-compliance of people willingly taking the COVID vaccines, even with the threats of losing their jobs. Fauci is leaving the NIH in December 2022 in order to pursue other jobs.  Some speculate he is moving to the WHO.

When you combine medicine that transmits compliance to authorities with a WHO leader who is determined to have 100% compliance with vaccines what does the end result become?  That is what people are concerned about with this technology at this time.



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