How Doctors Advise to Cope with Stress


Modern people suffer from chronic stress and more often turn to specialists, looking for a helping hand. What suggestions do they get to cope with it?

You can hardly find a person who has never experienced stress. The modern lifestyle makes people rush somewhere, balance work with personal life, stay on top of things, and meet challenges daily. They are used to sleeping for short periods, drinking coffee on the go, and working in multitasking mode. And while students can turn to to free up their schedules a bit, adults can hardly find such a magic wand. The only thing they can do is to maintain their health at a decent level and try to cope with stress. The latter greatly affects both your physical and mental condition. It can lead to reduced immunity and serious health issues, become a root cause of depression and anxiety disorder. It is not surprising that the number of people who seek a helping hand in the health centers increases with each year. What recommendations do they get in most cases?

  1. Emotional pitch

Everyone knows that stress involves emotional and physical tension that occurs in hard and incomprehensible situations that are no within your control. In other words, it is about your body’s response to changes in the environment. It tries to use all its capabilities to adjust and survive under new circumstances. And when stressful situations occur too often, your body gets exhausted at all levels. So, the first thing you can do is to change your attitude towards stress. Many people get into a trap, trying to avoid stressful situations. You should accept the fact that you cannot always control your life. Thus, it will be easier for you to adjust to new circumstances. When you turn a blind eye to issues, you don’t seek the solutions, and it means that you postpone the moment of “recovery.” You should change your attitude and pay more attention to possible opportunities instead of focusing on your discomfort and suffering.

Don’t forget that all problems are temporary. So, it is better to develop a proactive attitude and take responsibility for your life. For example, if you understand that you cannot meet deadlines in college, you should find someone who can help you get your papers done on time. You can turn to to make sure that the chosen service is trustworthy and suitable.

  1. Getting rid of unnecessary things

The more your space is cluttered with unnecessary things, the less energy you have. If you have already worked on your life attitude, it is time to get rid of everything that serves as a burden. People who don’t know where to start can stop watching the news daily and spend less time on social networks. Digital detox can make a difference in your emotional state. It is especially true for those who follow people who evoke negative emotions in them. You should subscribe only to users who appeal to you and provide you with positive vibes and motivation.

The same goes for communication with toxic people. Break up relationships if you stay in them only to maintain the image of a “good” person, even though you have long ceased to feel happy. However, it is worth making a “revision” to check whether you are not dissatisfied with everyone only because you don’t like something about yourself.

It will not be superfluous to clean up your space in general. Delete everything you don’t need in your smartphone and laptop, throw away things that evoke negative emotions every time you run into them. You should fill your environment with positive energy and get rid of the burden of the past.

  1. Changing habits

Even though everybody knows that it is necessary to give up bad habits, they don’t even make efforts to do that. However, harmful substances can negatively affect your body, mood, and emotional pitch in general. Thus, one should decrease alcohol consumption and stop overeating. It will be beneficial to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke daily and the number of sweets you eat. Over time, you will notice positive changes in your physical and emotional state.

In general, proper nutrition is one of the biggest helpers when it comes to dealing with stress. Foods affect your body’s functioning, so it is worth treating this moment more seriously. Many people overdo it with coffee and junk food since caffeine and carbohydrates provide them with energy for a short period. However, such habits worsen their bodies’ condition in the long run.

  1. Finding support

You may feel a desire to wall off yourself from the world, but such an approach will more likely result in the dead-end. It is easier to cope with stress when you can share your emotions with close friends or a psychologist. Here it is important to speak out about your experiences and find a shoulder to cry on. It is hard for some people to ask for help because they rely only on themselves. Besides, someone doesn’t want to look weak. However, it is one of the biggest misconceptions. In most cases, others will be glad to help with everything they can.

If you have got depressed and feel only apathy and indifference, it is worth turning to a specialist. You may need drug therapy to “wake up” your consciousness and make it get back on track. Nonetheless, many psychologists and coaches don’t start working with clients to the fullest till the latter restores communication with the dearest and adjusts their diets.



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