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Clinical pharmacists in GP practices improve prescribing quality, patient safety

Integrating clinical pharmacists into general practice significantly reduced medicine costs, opioid prescriptions, and anxiolytic use The growing presence of clinical pharmacists in GP practices is...

GP practices demand protection against National Insurance hike

The Chair of the RCGP stated that the additional financial burden caused by the National Insurance hike will be “the straw that breaks the...

Number of GP practices in England falls by 20% over a decade, study reveals

Experts warn that England is facing a “tipping point in the near future” where the majority of appointments in general practices are no longer...

GP practices start collective action: Pharmacy owners urged to maintain service safety

With GP practices limiting daily appointments during their collective action, more patients are likely to turn to community pharmacies for help and advice  Community Pharmacy...

Over 81% of GP practices in England now provide patients’ health records online, says NHSE

In October alone, more than nine million people viewed their health records through the NHS App Thanks to the NHS primary care access recovery...

Latest Articles

NHS trusts in ‘precarious’ state as deficits return – Nuffield Trust warns

NHS Trusts serving the most deprived populations experiencing the...

Increase protected learning time for NHS pharmacists – GHP launches national campaign

Many pharmacists end up doing ‘unpaid work’ to catch...

Personalised medicine: NHS expands pharmacogenomics trial across England

With this study, the NHS aims to address barriers...

Exclusive: Pharmacy leaders have the opportunity to “co-create the future” with greater collaboration

By Sarwar Alam Pharmacy leaders from across the sector need...

Suppressing pharmacy funding crisis analysis would be ‘outrageous’, warns NPA

The NPA fears the report won’t be published until...