This site is intended for Healthcare Professionals only.


Out of Africa? Or into Africa?

Former chief executive and registrar of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society(RPS) of Great Britain Jeremy Holmes emphasises the need to encourage more foreign direct investment (FDI) in pharmaceutical manufacturing, distribution...

Engaging people with diabetes through community pharmacy-led care

Pharmacists play an integral role in empowering the self-management needs of people with diabetes beyond the traditional role...

Children’s dental health in crisis: considering the role of prevention and pharmacy

In the face of an ever-growing crisis in children’s dental health crisis, Bas Vorsteveld considers how pharmacists’ preventative...

Self-Care: A solution for an overwhelmed health industry?

We must ensure that community pharmacists are recognised as self-care experts so that people turn to them as a first port of call, writes...

TECHNOLOGY: Why invest in automation?

 By Cyrus Hodivala Community pharmacies are located within the very hotspots of peoples’ communities, yet a staggering 720 individual businesses have stopped trading since 2015. ...

AUTOMATION AND TECHNOLOGY: Pushing boundaries, taking risks

By James Tibbs Our Totton branch has an incredibly high volume of original pack dispensing, roughly 45,000 items. As we became busier and busier in...

Workforce crisis: Why it’s time for Steve Barclay and the NHSE to stop ignoring community pharmacy

By Stephen Thomas Those of us who work in community pharmacy know there is a workforce crisis created in large measure by PCNs actively recruiting...

BIG PICTURE: Fixing the medicines shortage crisis

From over-the-counter flu tablets to crucial antibiotics and antidepressants, medicines are running scarce in UK pharmacies this year, causing concerns among patients, the government,...

EXCLUSIVE: Will England follow in Scotland’s footsteps and embrace a ‘Pharmacy First’ strategy?

Recently, the English Health Secretary has talked about introducing a 'Pharmacy First' model similar to that which exists in Scotland. This would be a...

WINDSOR FRAMEWORK: A new way forward?

By Regina Dawkins Northern Ireland  will see changes in the regulatory landscape following the issuance of the Windsor Framework on 27th Feb 2023 and the corresponding...

EXCLUSIVE: Why pharmacy needs collective leadership

By Professor Mahendra Patel  As a member of the UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership, and deputy chair of the Leadership, Policy and Professionalism Working Group,...

OPINION: How risky is the world of online pharmacy?

Online pharmacies have to operate from bricks & mortar premises that are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council, but recent cases show that, in...

OPINION: Pharmacists aren’t ‘GPs on the cheap’

By Stephen Thomas It is surprising and disappointing to hear that the Royal College of General Practice chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne recently said that ‘pharmacists...
