The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Assembly has announced the re-appointment of Professor Claire Anderson as President for a further term of two years on Tuesday (11 July).
As president, Anderson will oversee delivery and implementation of the constitutional governance review; continue to extend the profile and influence of pharmacy as a profession by building and strengthening relationships with all the other pharmacy leadership bodies and organisations.
She aims to ensure that RPS is invited to the table whenever medicines and public health are discussed by continuing to invest in strategic relationships beyond pharmacy
Claire was first elected as President in 2021. In her address to the Assembly, Claire said: “This is a time of unprecedented change and I have decided to stand as President for a second term to offer much needed continuity.
“I am passionate about our profession and committed to making the RPS and our members even more successful. I will also continue to be a dedicated ambassador and advocate for the profession nationally and internationally.”
“Hard decisions will be made about many issues including financial stability, investments, property, income streams, the constitutional and governance review, the recommendations of the independent commission, and new membership categories. I am confident that I can continue to lead us through these important decisions.”
Alisdair Jones was confirmed by Assembly as the new RPS Treasurer, taking over from Sibby Buckle, who stood down as Treasurer in June.
Alisdair, a member of the English Pharmacy Board and RPS Assembly, was elected unopposed and is already part of the Finance and Investment Committee, where RPS budgets, pensions, assets, financial priorities and performance, reserves and investment policies are scrutinised and agreed.