The Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group (PSG) today announced the reduction of Look-Alike-Sound-Alike (LASA) errors as one of its top priorities for 2020.
Launching the 2020 priorities, the cross-sector forum for community pharmacy organisations assured a proactive support to embed safety principles, monitor and share insight and influence national safety mechanisms.
The group announced a plan to build on its work to reduce LASA errors, which the World Health Organisation has identified as a key challenge.
The other priority areas are: antimicrobial resistance, the use of opioids and controlled drugs, medication safety in pregnancy, sepsis detection, allergies and anaphylaxis and resilience and wellbeing.
Janice Perkins, Chair of PSG said: “Together we have provided an open learning environment which allows members to identify issues and share learnings from errors and best practice. We have produced posters, resources and a video to support front line staff.”
“The inclusion of LASA medicines in the Pharmacy Quality Scheme is welcome and demonstrates the ongoing work that needs to be done – and the Patient Safety Group will continue to support this work. In 2020, we will continue to monitor and share insight, collaborate with NHS England/Improvement and work with patient groups to ensure patients are empowered to understand the risks associated with certain medicines.”