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PQS: Payment declaration deadline is less than a month away

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Pharmacists are reminded to make their claims for the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) payment by submitting a declaration by February 28.

The PQS declarations can be submitted through the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) app. Pharmacists have to declare that they meet the four gateway criteria and the domains they are claiming payment for (except if they plan to meet the Sugar Sweetened Beverage quality criterion by March 31, 2020).

According to NHSBSA’s declaration data, 10,970 pharmacists are eligible to claim the PQS payment as they met both the NHS website gateway and Directory of Services (DoS) quality criteria.

PQS has funding worth £75 million and the sum will be divided between qualified pharmacies based on the domains and corresponding points they have achieved.

If claimed, the payment will be made on April 1, 2020.


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