Bodily Changes That Aren’t A Health Issue But Are A Pain And How To Deal With Them


As one gets older, you are likely to find that your body will go through many changes. Though some of them will be totally benign, others might start causing problems for you. Most important is to take care of the bodily changes you are experiencing that might present a health concern.

You’re sweating more than ever

If you have begun to notice in the past few weeks that you are sweating more, this could definitely be causing you some distress. Sweating performs a crucial function in our body, primarily helping us to regulate our core body temperature. Excessive sweating can be caused by a transition in medication, recent weight gain, or even an indication of thyroid overactivity. Either way, it has become a pain for you and you are likely feeling embarrassed about what to do now.

What many individuals fail to realise is that the signals used to inform our body’s cooling system are closely linked to our hormonal system and adrenal glands, including our stress hormones. It is significant to mention that even though you may not feel anxious or stressed, this may not necessarily be how your body is experiencing the pressure. Our body’s stress responses are very sensitive to the pressures of daily life, even without us paying too much attention.

It’s essential that you learn how to better manage your time scheduling and importantly, stress levels. Dealing with stressful work or personal relationships can help reduce the chronic stress your body will be responding to. And Learn to reduce the stress in your life, it may be cause for your sweating concern.

Are your moles worrying you?

You may spot a mole that has begun to change shape, becoming more asymmetrical or even reddening around the main mole area. Another common bodily change which needs to be addressed urgently is the development of red marks, a scab-like skin concern, or any previously unnoticed disturbed skin area that seems to come from nowhere.

Unfortunately, skin cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, with 1 in 5 Americans developing skin cancer by the age of 70. This should shock you, but only to the extent that it serves as a reminder to monitor your bodily changes and get expert eyes on any issues, you may be having.

Over the decades – influenced your lifestyle patterns, fitness, genetics, and general health – you may notice various changes. Though many of these concerning health issues may not cause direct pain, you may be frustrated at what to do when they present. Here are some of the most common changes and how to deal with them.

Varicose and spider veins

When your blood is red, it means that the blood vessels are oxygenated. On the contrary, deoxygenated veins present as a blue or purple colour. But, if you are noticing that some of your veins are permanently blue, you may have varicose or spider veins. Blue veins on your legs are most common and they don’t necessarily indicate there is something wrong.

However, you may start becoming self-conscious when wearing shorts, dresses, or swimming trunks, especially if these blue veins are very exposed on your chest. This article will give you deeper insight into various treatment options available. And those who experience blue veins will understand, regardless of where they are, their presence may be causing you enough inconvenience to address them. You can definitely pursue treatments even if they don’t pose a health risk.

Body acne

When you’re a teenager and your hormones are going crazy, many young teens experience acne breakouts. Though these are not comfortable – and definitely make us feel very self-conscious – these go away as hormones stabilise over the next couple of years. For some people, unfortunately, acne can return – seemingly for no reason.

The body is incredibly sensitive and usually responds for a reason, we just may not know why. Luckily, body acne is not usually a reason for a health concern, but it can definitely be a nuisance to get rid of! There are natural methods of treatment, including removing triggering foods and substances from your diet, applying tea tree oil or other natural remedies, and introducing more protective food elements into your diet. Body acne can be incredibly stubborn to treat and should be done holistically.

A simple introduction to some of the most common bodily changes will show you that our body undergoes many transitions throughout our lives, some based on internal factors and others will be external responses. Even if you don’t think it’s a health risk, the most vital recommendation is to stay healthy and aware of any changes that may warrant a check-in with a doctor or specialist.


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