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RPS addresses Guild Council’s concerns on Royal College proposal

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The RPS intends to present the final proposal to establish a Royal College of Pharmacy for a vote in early 2025  

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has responded to the concerns raised by the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) about their proposals to become a Royal College.

On behalf of the Guild Council, Rob Connah, president of GHP, recently wrote an open letter to the RPS seeking clarity on the potential impacts of this transition on career progression, time commitments, and other relevant considerations.

In response to the Guild Council’s inquiries regarding credentialing, RPS chief executive Paul Bennett emphasised that the key purpose of credentialing is to “protect the public and the integrity of the pharmacy profession through assuring patient-focused pharmacists working at advancing levels of post-registration practice.”

“Defining and assuring post-registration professional standards is a fundamental activity for a royal college and thus fully aligned with our proposals for change,” he added.

The RPS highlighted the benefits that credentialing can provide both pharmacists and the system.

Paul explained: “For a pharmacist, credentialing can support a standard professional career structure that offers potential for advancement.

“Credentialing also engenders professional confidence and pride, increases professional cohesion and provides a mechanism by which the skills and capabilities of an individual are recognised.”

For the employer and wider system, he stressed that “credentialing provides an objective and validated assurance mechanism for employee capability within and across organisations which can inform fair and valid career progression and recruitment decisions, assure consistency across the system and improve workforce portability.”

Additionally, he noted that it provides a mechanism by which other health professionals and patients can recognise the level of practice of the pharmacy workforce.

The RPS indicated that for credentialing to be fully integrated into the profession, it needs to be integrated into job descriptions, job plans and career progression, while stating “We continue to drive for this through our advocacy work.”

The Guild Council have expressed concern that the current NHS ecosystem offers limited time for pharmacists to focus on professional development.

The RPS acknowledged that providing pharmacists with “the time, space and support to develop professional practice portfolios” is essential for integrating credentialing meaningfully in the profession.

In response to the Council’s query about how NHS leaders will be supported in advocating for additional time for pharmacists to complete their portfolios, the RPS mentioned their advocacy through the Protected Learning Time policy while recognising the need for more effective job planning.

Additionally, Paul noted that their intention to register as a charity will ensure appropriate external frameworks and scrutiny, helping them achieve their goal of advancing pharmacy science and practice with patient and public benefit as a priority.

The RPS is currently engaging with its members and the broader profession about its proposals to become a Royal College, which are being presented through a series of ‘roadshow’ events across Great Britain in October and November.

The RPS has also invited the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists to discuss the proposed transition to Royal College status.

Paul said: “We look forward to constructive dialogue with the Guild Council over the coming months as we refine our proposals for change and prepare to set the final proposition before our membership for a vote in early 2025.”

All pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists are also encouraged to attend the roadshow events and learn more about the proposed changes.







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