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Tag: Company Chemists’ Association

Digital Health Record could unlock expansion of Pharmacy First, Says CCA-backed Tony Blair Institute report

Each person's digital health record (DHR) would be “single source of truth” for their health and care data – that currently sit in silos...

‘Closely examine the worrying mix of challenges community pharmacies face’, CCA urges Darzi Review

The CCA figures show that at the current growth rate, it would take 88 years to meet the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan’s goals for...

August Pharmacy First threshold to be reduced from 20 to 15

CPE had argued that the Pharmacy First threshold should remain at 10, at least until further discussions could take place, but Ministers did not...

Pharmacy bodies call for nationwide free Emergency Hormonal Contraception Service

EHC services are currently provided by an estimated 90% of local authorities in England, but only about 48% of community pharmacies are involved in...

CCA members celebrate hitting 200,000 Pharmacy First consultations milestone

Along with the pharmacy first celebrations, the Company Chemists Association has also highlighted the urgent need for GP referrals  Since its launch on January 31st,...

CCA analysis highlights ‘patchwork quilt’ of Pharmacy First consultations

The NHS advertising campaign has had little or no impact on the volume of Pharmacy First consultations A recent analysis conducted by the Company Chemists’...