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Tag: Future of community pharmacy

Community Pharmacy England unveils future strategy and workplan: Watch the presentation on-demand

Additionally, Community Pharmacy England has outlined its plans to engage with and influence the new government   Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has released a recorded...

EXCLUSIVE- Fixing the NHS front door: Daisy Cooper calls for increased pharmacy investment

Cooper pushes for increased investment in community pharmacy, calls for closing tax loopholes to raise funds  “We need to fix the front door to our...

Supply chain bottlenecks impacting community pharmacy margins, MPs say

Instability in the supply chain network is frequently undermining the profit margins in community pharmacies, former Pharmacy Minister and Chair of the Health and...

Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund seek views on proposed ‘Future of community pharmacy’ vision

Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund are seeking feedback from community pharmacy on their proposals for the future of community pharmacy and they are...

VIEWPOINT: Meeting the needs of a digital population

The future of community pharmacies is in danger. With some 639 local pharmacies closing in England since 2016, action is clearly needed to ensure...