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Tag: Pharmacy Inquiry


Pharmacy Inquiry: Debate erupts over professional boundaries in community pharmacy

Health Minister Dame Andrea Leadsom defends current practices, emphasizing patient safety and dismissing claims of technician overreach Labour's Paulette Hamilton has raised concerns regarding...

Pharmacy Inquiry: PDA pushes for government attention to community pharmacists’ wellbeing

PDA’s newly submitted evidence highlighted issues surrounding the workforce that impact their health and well-being.   The Professional Pharmacists Association (PDA) has demanded efforts to secure...

Pharmacy First service: Why are people hesitant to visit a pharmacy for UTIs and shingles?

Policy makers and healthcare leaders acknowledge that there’s hesitancy and the mindset of ‘GP first, not Pharmacy First’ among members of the public With the...

Pharmacy inquiry: 3Cs facing the sector revealed

Healthwatch England has identified some of the biggest challenges pharmacies in the UK are currently dealing with There are some really severe challenges facing...

Community Pharmacy England submits written evidence to HSCC’s Pharmacy Inquiry

Community Pharmacy England has submitted a full and detailed written response to the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s pharmacy inquiry. The Committee is expected...