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No pay hike for Rowlands pharmacists?

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The Pharmacists’ Defence Association (PDA) has raised its concerns over complaints from pharmacists at Rowlands on their current pay rates and the pharmacy chain’s decision not to increase their pay this year.

Rowlands Pharmacy’s annual pay review takes place on April 1 each year and the new arrangements for 2021 have been communicated just a week before that effective date.

The PDA says it has seen latest written communication in which the company stated that it is “delighted” to announce new pay arrangements. Amongst other changes, it is understood that the company has graded its individual branches, setting pharmacist salary ranges for each class of store. This means that different salary maximums now apply in each class of branch.

The PDA advises its members concerned about changes to their contract or other conditions at work to contact the PDA service centre immediately. Employers are only able to unilaterally decide pay arrangements where there is no independent trade union recognized, the PDA said.

Pharmacy Business is waiting to hear back from Rowlands Pharmacy.


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